A leader is someone who leads by example! A team leader is someone to whom other members of the team look towards, who provides guidance, direction and leadership to a group of other individuals (the team) for the purpose of achieving a key result or group of aligned results. He or she has a clear vision of the target to be achieved, and works with, encourgaes the team members to work towards the goals with their full potential. In a corporate setup, a team lead generally reports into a project manager who in turn looks after various other aspects of the project.

You work tirelessly over the years and gain experience in problem resolving. You know how to work in contraints, and achieve targets. The very basic property of a leader is that s/he know how to break the bigger project items into smaller ones, how to allocate suitable resources to each one of these tasks, and finally how to integrate these items into a single desired working unit.

You have great listening skills, self-motivated and you are a great motivator.
Since you respect each of your team member, appreciate their talent, you are therefore respected by all in the team.

The most general characteristics of a good deveper are:

  • Great Thinker & Problem Solver: You always see problems with respect to their all possible and immediate solutions.
  • Confident & Determined: You are confident that every problem has solutions. You strive to get the most out of possibilities.
  • Fast Reader & Up-to-date: You are an avid reader. You spare enough time to get updates on the newer technologies, methodologies, design patterns, frameworks etc., and think their possible applications in order to bring about great solutions.
  • Team Player, Cool-headed: You listen to people, your team mates, seniors and juniors with attentive mind, and get the best out of discussion.
  • Good Time Manager: You know that most critical asset in projects is time. You make best use of working time.
  • Competitive & Creative: You are creative and competitive. When you apply your learnings, you create things; you see what others are creating and strive to create even more bueatiful logics, components and solutions.

Software Architectural Skills
A team leader, by virtue of his/her experiences develops great skills on software architecture. The architecture drives the entire solution including almost all stages of software development. The architecture includes requirements specification, layouts of components at various levels, coding stanfards, quality tests, integration and final deployment scenarios.
A team leader combined with skills like architecture, team management, communication skills etc, is a great skillset to have, and it ultimately acts as ingredient for playing higher level roles in any organisation.

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